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Life More Abundantly

I am indeed walking a path that not many have walked before me, whom I have known at least. It is teaching me things I did not know nor did I think to ask. It has been painful and absolutely not pleasant. It has taught me to be completely contrary to the things I had learned growing up. Indeed it has not been fun. 

It's unfun because God is changing my way of thinking that I didn’t know needed changing. I had been taught to rely on my 5 senses when it appears that God wishes to speak to me through others. I have learned to live in fear and worry, consistently concerned by the unknown. I had learned to plan days, weeks even months in advance and expect the unexpected. 

But concern, apparently, is not meant to be my crutch. Fear is supposed to be foreign to me and negative thoughts are not to be dwelt upon. I sit here atop a mountain, homeless, jobless, no one by my side and unworried. I watch the sun disappear over the far mountain and I am free. Well not entirely. The worries try to creep their way back in and I tell God. They linger for a little then they are gone. But they'll be back… until they are not.

I did not know that this is what a relationship with God is. I did not know that this is the peace that THEY spoke of. I did not realize that this is how one can find themselves in the den of lions or in the bowels of a furnace and fear no thing. It isn't a miracle, it is training. It doesn't just happen, God teaches it. But when God teaches it and your spirit has been adjusted, indeed it does just happen. 

Know the Lord your God. Seek THEM, even if it means just asking to know THEM. It is a long perilous journey, but take it from me, God will NEVER let you fall, unless you desire to do so… and even then. But falling looks different to us than it does to God. We think we shall drown but God knows that you will not. And once you've walked all this way, you will never want to return. Here is where life more abundantly begins.


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