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Go and Believe

Man looks at life and fears the worst. We fear what may come, what may not come, what has already come, and what will come. We are scared because we are taught to be scared. Even our parents who belong to religious institutions are scared and they taught us to be scared as well. And because of our fear, we advance so slowly or not at all. And there are people now that speak against fear, and it is true that we must learn not to be fearful but the best means to do that is to actually look to God.

I have written another time about fear being a replacement for faith, and it is. Faith grabs a hold of God and God’s promises and fear expects the worst. We live in a world where fear, due to a broken relationship with God, permeates our very core. Fear began, again, after the flood, at the tower of Babel. They feared that God would not keep THEIR promise and sought to build a tower that would protect them. This is to be expected from people who do not intimately know or desire to know God. The promises and word of God are as foolishness to all who do not know God. And this foolishness runs deep in the Church where God is preached but is not known.

The Bible, though imperfect, explains the concepts associated with God: peace, love, longsuffering, gentleness, meekness, etc. Fear has no place in the Spirit of God and THEY have not given us a Spirit of fear. So then, if you are afraid you should be able to conclude that there is a problem. You may not be as close to God as you thought/hoped. This is not a condemnation by any means. This may be like a wake-up call. Do you find yourself afraid? Have you asked God for something and you did not receive it? Have you asked God for multiple things and you have not received it? Perhaps you have received some things but not other things.

There is a reason for all of these things, and the reason is quite likely not because it’s not the time or it’s not for you. You were created in God’s image and saved by the blood of God’s own Son. You are meant to be able to ask God for anything and receive it, because you are the child of the Most High God! So then, why aren’t you receiving the thing that you asked for? Go. Seek. Knock. Ask. Demand of God why these things were not given to you. Ask God why you didn’t receive this or why this person perished unjustly. Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find.

The true question is… do you even believe that you will receive, find or that the door will be opened to you? Chances are, you do not believe at all, or very little. Your mind is probably clouded by disappointment or fear or anger. And with that, you fear that God doesn’t care or you come up with some lame excuse as to why it happened (e.g. circle of life, or it was meant to be). Does the scripture, “I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High, but ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes” mean anything to you? Your lot in life was not death, it was life and an abundance of life but you don’t believe it. So instead, you continue down your path of unbelief, believing the things you’ve seen and felt and experienced and not believing the Creator of the universe.

I know how easy it is to want God to prove THEMSELVES that THEY exist, but God has already done that for you, multiple times over. I can attest, however, that proof is not what you need. In order to believe God and fully enter into God’s sacred space, you need God’s Spirit. God’s Spirit is not something or someone that you can buy or study. It is someone that you ask, even beg God for so that you understand. It is written, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” and this is the case. We are destroying ourselves simply because we don’t understand and instead of asking for understanding, we say to ourselves, “it is the will of God” and we throw our hands up. This is not how the King of Kings acts. This is not even how an earthly king acts. And this is certainly not how the God of all God’s acts. So, then, why are you acting like that?

There is this common misconception that God’s ways are above our ways and God’s thoughts are above our thoughts, and God works in mysterious ways, and therefore, we should not seek to understand but to just accept. This is absolute bullshit and it is a blinding, fear and coping mechanism that man has developed to deal with things beyond their current understanding. Except it causes you to sin by calling God a liar. Yahweh in the old testament and Jesus in the new testament said the same thing, ASK, “...and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Do you not believe that God will do so?

Of course you do not believe, otherwise there would be no reason for me to write this article. You do not believe and your faith wavers. You feel tired and you feel defeated. You don’t understand why but you are convinced that God will not answer you because you are “so small and insignificant.” Except Jesus said that God’s eye is literally on the sparrow. Do you believe that a sparrow is more significant than one created in God’s image? God is not human. Humans concern themselves with clout and responsibility and being well-known or popular. God concerns THEMSELVES with everyone, especially those who bear THEIR likeness.

I write this and I know that there are no words in existence that can help you understand what I am trying to transmit to you. The knowledge of the Lord comes only through God’s Spirit, as it is written, “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.” Also, it is written, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him..” But it is my hope that you will see that spark of intrigue or desire and go and ask God to help you know and understand so that you may indeed believe.


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