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Happiness for Happiness Sake

Has anyone ever told you that if you never experienced sadness then you wouldn't know if you were happy? Or perhaps you have heard, "if I didn't experience sorrow or sadness, then I wouldn't appreciate being happy." A lot of people seem to feel this way, which they use to wallow in their sadness and despair.

Happiness exists whether you are sad, angry or whatever other negative emotion you may be feeling. And happiness is not a condition of any other emotion, just like those other emotions are not conditions of happiness. I mean, have you ever heard anyone say, "if I don't experience happiness then I wouldn't appreciate being sad?" Of course not, because it is pure poppycock. One emotion does not depend upon the other. But rather both emotions, in fact, all emotions, as far as I can tell, depend upon you and nothing or no one else.

It is definitely possible to go two weeks, a month or even a year being happy and experiencing just a small, tiny moment of happiness. What will happen is that you will be sad for the moment, and then your thoughts will change to fit your normal disposition, which is to be happy.

We are all mostly sad because we have been trained to be, not because we have to be. You have to be able to recognize that you have been taught to be sad or frustrated or always struggling in order to obtain happiness. Some people even think that success and happiness cannot co-exist, or perhaps that happiness will come at the end of their struggles. I'm telling you now, if you haven't decided to change your sadness training during your journey, you will never reach happiness because you won't know what it looks like, you will not recognize it, and you will look for the rest of your life, in vain.

So, this is what happens when you start training yourself to be happy: you live. Doors open that you never saw before, people open up who would have never done so before. You learn to trust easier and take most things in stride. And when you become upset and even angry, it does not control you, but you end up controlling it. And when you go months without experiencing some negative emotion, happiness doesn't get dull, in fact, it only seems to get better. Drama may make for more interesting TV series, but it isn't needed to keep life interesting, even though we think it does. Actually, as we notice our happiness and positivity opening new doors, we get to experience things that we never got to before. We learn to appreciate everything in our lives and everyone. Happiness becomes the high that sadness had become.

It's worth a try being happy without the caveat of being sad. I have done it, and am doing it, and I don't look forward to being sad at all. I just look forward to more happy times all along my path.

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